Monday, June 4, 2012

5 Ways to Get Money Without Working

5 Ways to Get Money Without Working:

1- Win the lottery.
This is one of the least work-intensive ways of making money, but you're much more likely to lose money (from buying the ticket) than win a big prize. Be careful not to get addicted to buying tickets — always expect to lose the money you spend on lottery tickets. You could also try your hand at betting ar the race tracks.

2- Become a moneylender. Now that there are large economic incentives and new technology, more people are becoming successful lenders. Loaning someone else money at a high rate of interest gets returns on what would otherwise just be sitting in their bank account.

3- Host a successful website. Figure out a way to make money off your website. If you find a cheap or free way to host a website, then you can do this without spending a lot, thus increasing your income.

4- Look for rare coins in your pocket change. Obtain very large quantities of coins at your local bank if necessary. Sell them on sites such as eBay (or your online store). Look around your house or on the streets for change. Even if they're not "rare," you'd be surprised with how much money you can save just by picking up loose coins on the street!

5- Start playing poker professionally. Poker requires a lot of skill, as well as luck, but if you master it, you can make a relatively large sum of money.


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